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We are working hard to change things, but it will take considerable time (look how tiny our shovels are).
MEET THE DR IN PERSON - If you would like Dr. Demento to appear at your next event Click Here.
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ATTENTION RADIO STATIONS: If you are a program director or general manager of an on-the-air radio station, and are interested in the Dr. Demento Show, please click here to contact our clearance office. Thank you!
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The Goose Has Flown... "Dr. Demento Gooses Mother" is now out of print, and no longer available on CD. We still have a few cassettes left.
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The aliens have left the solar system... "They Came From Outer Space" is now out of print, and no longer available.
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Webmasters click here if you would like to link to DrDemento.com.
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